
[71] “Can We Still Measure Circular Dichroism with Circular Dichroism Spectrometers? The Dangers of Anisotropic Artifacts,” T.J. Ugras, Y. Yao, and R.D. Robinson, Chirality (2023)

[70]  “Extracting Pure Circular Dichroism from Hierarchically Structured CdS Magic Cluster Films,” Y. Yao, T.J. Ugras, T. Meyer, M. Dykes, D. Wang, A. Arbe, S. Bals, B. Kahr, and Richard D. Robinson, ACS Nano 16, 20457 (2022)

[69] “Multiscale Hierarchical Structures from a Nanocluster Mesophase,” H. Han, S. Kallakuri, Y. Yao, C.B. Williamson, D.R. Nevers, B.H. Savitzky, R.S. Skye, M. Xu, O. Voznyy, J. Dshemuchadse, L.F. Kourkoutis, S.J. Weinstein, T. Hanrath, R.D. Robinson, Nature Materials 21, 518 (2022)


[68] “Explanation of the Opposing Shifts in the Absorption Edge and the Optical Resonance in CuFeS2 Nanoparticles,” Y. Yao, S. Biswas, M.C. Toroker, R.D. Robinson, J. Phys. Chem. C 126, 5592 (2022)


[67] “Imaging Atomic-Scale Chemistry from Fused Multi-Modal Electron Microscopy”, J. Schwartz, Z.W. Di, Y. Jiang, A.J. Fielitz, D.-H. Ha, S.D. Perera, I. El Baggari, R.D. Robinson, J. A. Fessler, C. Ophus, S. Rozeveld, R. Hovden, npj Computational Materials 8, 16 (2022).

[66] “Enhanced Li-ion Diffusion and Electrochemical Performance in Strained-Manganese-Iron Oxide Core–Shell Nanoparticles,” Anuj Bhargava, Yuval Elbaz, Quynh Sam, Michelle Smeaton, Lena F. Kourkoutis, Maytal Caspary Toroker, Richard D. Robinson, J. Chem. Phys. 155, 144702 (2021),

[65] “The Direct Electrospinning and Manipulation of Magic-Sized Cluster Quantum Dots,” H. Han, K. Hirsch, T. Hanrath, R. D. Robinson, L. M. Shepherd, Adv. Eng. Mater., 2100661 (2021). DOI: 10.1002/adem.202100661

[64]   “The Interplay between Chemical Transformations and Atomic Structure in Nanocrystals and Nanoclusters,” Haixiang Han, Yuan Yao, Richard D. Robinson, Accounts of Chemical Research 54, 509–519 (2021)

[63] “Fe-cations Control the Plasmon Evolution in CuFeS2 Nanocrystals,” Y. Yao, A. Bhargava, and R.D. Robinson, Chemistry of Materials 33, 608 (2021)

[62] “Breakdown of the Small-Polaron Hopping Model in Higher-Order Spinels,” A. Bhargava, R. Eppstein, J. Sun, M.A. Smeaton, H. Paik, L.F. Kourkoutis, D.G. Schlom, M. Caspary Toroker, and R.D. Robinson, Advanced Materials 32, 2004490 (2020), DOI:  10.1002/adma.202004490

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