Associate Professor of Materials Science
214 Bard Hall, MSE Department, Ithaca, NY, 14853, United States Professional Background (CV)
- BS Tufts University, Mechanical Engineering
- PhD Columbia University, Applied Physics
- Postdoctoral Fellow UC Berkeley, Chemistry
- 2012 NSF CAREER award - DMR/CMP
- 2012-2014 3M Nontenured Faculty Grant Videos and Audio NOVA, Cornell, Natural History Museum
Post Doctoral Associates
Haixiang Han
Prior Degree: Ph.D. in Inorganic Chemistry, SUNY Albany Joined Group: December, 2018 Research: Metal Sulfide Nanoparticles and Clusters Hometown: Zibo, China Favorite Characterization Technique: Electron Diffraction
Graduate Students
Talisi Meyer
Project: Development of a scalable synthesis method for monodisperse ternary metal sulfide nanoparticles for supercapacitor electrodes. Prior Degree: B.S. in Biochemistry & Physics, Minor in Mathematics from Simmons University Joined group: Oct. 2021 Research key words: Electrophoretic deposition (EPD), ternary metal nanoparticle. Hometown: New Milford, NJ Favorite technique: AFM
Jonathan Rowell
Project: I am currently working on the synthesis of cobalt manganese spinel oxide nanoparticles and plan to investigate their use in energy and catalysis applications. I am also working on project synthesizing nickel-cobalt shells on Fe3O4 core nanoparticles. Prior Degree: BS Biochemistry, Minor in Biomolecular Engineering Joined Group: May 2021 Research Key Words: Spinel oxide nanoparticles Hometown: Plant City, Florida Favorite Solvent: Ethanol
Hantao Li
Name: Hantao Li Project: Synthesis and optical properties of nanoclusters Prior Degree: B.Eng. Materials Engineering, The University of Hong Kong Joined Group: Fall 2024 Research Keywords: Magic-Sized Clusters, Circular Dichroism, Chiral Thin-Films, Chiroptical Properties, Synthesis Hometown: Beijing, China Favorite Temperature: Absolute Zero
Reilly Lynch
Project: Synthesis and characterization of CdS and CdSe and their thin films Prior Degree: B.S. in Chemistry (2021), Western Washington University Joined group: Dec. 2021 Research key words: thin films Hometown: Olympia, WA Favorite technique: XRD
Daniel Gracias
Project: Self-assembly and emergent optical properties of semiconductor nanoclusters Prior degree: BTech in Metallurgical Engineering & Materials Science + Minor in Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay Joined group: Fall 2024 Research key words: Magic-Sized Clusters, Circular Dichroism, Self-Assembly, Exciton-Polaritons Hometown: Prune, India Favorite constant: Fundamental constant – Planck’s constant
Thomas Ugras
Project: In the lab I'm synthesizing and characterizing CdS and CdSe magic-sized clusters and their self-assembled thin films. When I'm in the office I'm simulating absorption spectroscopy of chiral nanocrystal assemblies. Prior Degree: B.S.E. Engineering Physics, Case Western Reserve University Joined group: Dec. 2021 Research key words: magic-sized clusters, self-assembly, thin films, chiral nanocrystals and assemblies Hometown: Bucks County, PA Favorite technique: Circular Dichroism Spectroscopy
Ching Chun Peng (Vicky)
Project: NiCo2S4 Nanoparticles as Supercapacitor Applications Prior Degree: B.S. in Materials Science and Engineering at National Tsing Hua University in Taiwan Joined group: Fall 2022 Research key words: Electrochemical characterization, Nickel–Cobalt Sulfide Hometown: Hsinchu, Taiwan Favorite scientist: Albert Hofmann
Cheng-Yin Lin (James)
Name: Cheng-Yin Lin (James) Project: Colloidal synthesis of multi-metal sulfide nanocrystals for high electrochemical performance Prior Degree: B.S. in Chemistry at National Sun Yat-Sen University Joined Group: Fall 2023 Research Keywords: High Entropy Sulfides, Colloidal Synthesis, Nanocrystals, Oxygen Evolution Reaction, Electrochemistry Hometown: Taichung, Taiwan Favorite Equation: Nernst Equation
River Carson
Project: Untangling the structure/property relations of CdS magic size clusters with strong chiroptical properties related to a fibrous mesophase. Prior Degree: B.S. in Materials Science & Engineering with Additional Major in Mathematics at the University of Wisconsin - Madison Joined group: Oct 2022 Research key words: magic-sized clusters, self-assembly, thin films, chiral nanocrystals and assemblies, chiroptical properties Hometown: Washington DC Favorite way to calculate pi: Buffon's needle
Haotian Tan
Name: Haotian Tan Project: Synthesis and electrochemical characterization of colloidal oxide nanoparticles with focus on high entropy and core-shell structural arrangements. Prior Degree: B.S. in Electrical Engineering at SUNY Binghamton Joined Group: Fall 2023 Research Keywords: High Entropy Oxides, Core-Shell, Colloidal Synthesis, Nanoparticles, Nanorods, Monodispersity Hometown: Yunnan, China Favorite Equations: Maxwell's Functions
Aditya Joshi
Name: Aditya Joshi Project: Synthesis and electrochemical characterization of colloidal oxide nanoparticles with focus on high entropy and core-shell structural arrangements. Prior Degree: BTech in Chemical Engineering and Textiles Technology, Institute of Chemical Technology (formerly UDCT), Mumbai, India Joined Group: Fall 2023 Research Keywords: High Entropy Oxides, Core-Shell, Colloidal Synthesis, Nanoparticles, Nanorods, Monodispersity Hometown: Mumbai, India Favorite Electrochemical Characterization Technique: CV, EIS
Undergraduate Students
James Fang
Name: James Fang Project: Chiroptical properties and self-assembly of CdS magic size clusters Prior Degree: Joined Group: Fall 2024 Research Keywords: Self-Assembly, Circular Dichroism, Chiral Nanocrystals Hometown: Nanjing, China Favorite Author: Fyodor Dostoevsky
Kenneth Burnett
Name: Kenneth Burnett Project: Synthesis and performance of high entropy sulfides Prior Degree: B.S. in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering Joined Group: Fall 2024 Research Keywords: High Entropy Sulfides, Colloidal Synthesis, Nanocrystals, Oxygen Evolution Reaction, Electrochemistry Hometown: Bartlett, Tennessee Favorite Element: Gallium
Oliver Nishikawa
Name: Oliver Nishikawa Project: Chiroptical properties of nanocluster assemblies Prior Degree: B.S. in Chemical Engineering Joined Group: Fall 2024 Research Keywords: Self-Assembly, Circular Dichroism, Thin Films, Magic-Sized Clusters Hometown: Honolulu, Hawaii Favorite Equation: PV=nRT
Andrew Zhao
Name: Andrew Zhao Project: Synthesis and performance of high entropy sulfide nanodiscs Prior Degree: Joined Group: Fall 2023 Research Keywords: High Entropy Sulfides, Colloidal Synthesis, Nanocrystals, Nanodiscs Hometown: Clarksville, MD Favorite Approximation: Stirling's
About Us
Principal Investigator
Richard Robinson
Associate Professor of Materials Science214 Bard Hall, MSE Department, Ithaca, NY, 14853, United States
Professional Background (CV)
- BS Tufts University, Mechanical Engineering
- PhD Columbia University, Applied Physics
- Postdoctoral Fellow UC Berkeley, Chemistry
- 2012 NSF CAREER award - DMR/CMP
- 2012-2014 3M Nontenured Faculty Grant
Videos and Audio
NOVA, Cornell, Natural History Museum
Post Doctoral Associates
Haixiang Han
Prior Degree: Ph.D. in Inorganic Chemistry, SUNY AlbanyJoined Group: December, 2018
Research: Metal Sulfide Nanoparticles and Clusters
Hometown: Zibo, China
Favorite Characterization Technique: Electron Diffraction
Graduate Students
Talisi Meyer
Project: Development of a scalable synthesis method for monodisperse ternary metal sulfide nanoparticles for supercapacitor electrodes.Prior Degree: B.S. in Biochemistry & Physics, Minor in Mathematics from Simmons University
Joined group: Oct. 2021
Research key words: Electrophoretic deposition (EPD), ternary metal nanoparticle.
Hometown: New Milford, NJ
Favorite technique: AFM
Jonathan Rowell
Project: I am currently working on the synthesis of cobalt manganese spinel oxide nanoparticles and plan to investigate their use in energy and catalysis applications. I am also working on project synthesizing nickel-cobalt shells on Fe3O4 core nanoparticles.Prior Degree: BS Biochemistry, Minor in Biomolecular Engineering
Joined Group: May 2021
Research Key Words: Spinel oxide nanoparticles
Hometown: Plant City, Florida
Favorite Solvent: Ethanol
Hantao Li
Name: Hantao LiProject: Synthesis and optical properties of nanoclusters
Prior Degree: B.Eng. Materials Engineering, The University of Hong Kong
Joined Group: Fall 2024
Research Keywords: Magic-Sized Clusters, Circular Dichroism, Chiral Thin-Films, Chiroptical Properties, Synthesis
Hometown: Beijing, China
Favorite Temperature: Absolute Zero
Reilly Lynch
Project: Synthesis and characterization of CdS and CdSe and their thin filmsPrior Degree: B.S. in Chemistry (2021), Western Washington University
Joined group: Dec. 2021
Research key words: thin films
Hometown: Olympia, WA
Favorite technique: XRD
Daniel Gracias
Project: Self-assembly and emergent optical properties of semiconductor nanoclustersPrior degree: BTech in Metallurgical Engineering & Materials Science + Minor in Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
Joined group: Fall 2024
Research key words: Magic-Sized Clusters, Circular Dichroism, Self-Assembly, Exciton-Polaritons
Hometown: Prune, India
Favorite constant: Fundamental constant – Planck’s constant
Thomas Ugras
Project: In the lab I'm synthesizing and characterizing CdS and CdSe magic-sized clusters and their self-assembled thin films. When I'm in the office I'm simulating absorption spectroscopy of chiral nanocrystal assemblies.Prior Degree: B.S.E. Engineering Physics, Case Western Reserve University
Joined group: Dec. 2021
Research key words: magic-sized clusters, self-assembly, thin films, chiral nanocrystals and assemblies
Hometown: Bucks County, PA
Favorite technique: Circular Dichroism Spectroscopy
Ching Chun Peng (Vicky)
Project: NiCo2S4 Nanoparticles as Supercapacitor Applications
Prior Degree: B.S. in Materials Science and Engineering at National Tsing Hua University in Taiwan
Joined group: Fall 2022
Research key words: Electrochemical characterization, Nickel–Cobalt Sulfide
Hometown: Hsinchu, Taiwan
Favorite scientist: Albert Hofmann
Cheng-Yin Lin (James)
Name: Cheng-Yin Lin (James)Project: Colloidal synthesis of multi-metal sulfide nanocrystals for high electrochemical performance
Prior Degree: B.S. in Chemistry at National Sun Yat-Sen University
Joined Group: Fall 2023
Research Keywords: High Entropy Sulfides, Colloidal Synthesis, Nanocrystals, Oxygen Evolution Reaction, Electrochemistry
Hometown: Taichung, Taiwan
Favorite Equation: Nernst Equation
River Carson
Project: Untangling the structure/property relations of CdS magic size clusters with strong chiroptical properties related to a fibrous mesophase.
Prior Degree: B.S. in Materials Science & Engineering with Additional Major in Mathematics at the University of Wisconsin - Madison
Joined group: Oct 2022
Research key words: magic-sized clusters, self-assembly, thin films, chiral nanocrystals and assemblies, chiroptical properties
Hometown: Washington DC
Favorite way to calculate pi: Buffon's needle
Haotian Tan
Name: Haotian TanProject: Synthesis and electrochemical characterization of colloidal oxide nanoparticles with focus on high entropy and core-shell structural arrangements.
Prior Degree: B.S. in Electrical Engineering at SUNY Binghamton
Joined Group: Fall 2023
Research Keywords: High Entropy Oxides, Core-Shell, Colloidal Synthesis, Nanoparticles, Nanorods, Monodispersity
Hometown: Yunnan, China
Favorite Equations: Maxwell's Functions
Aditya Joshi
Name: Aditya JoshiProject: Synthesis and electrochemical characterization of colloidal oxide nanoparticles with focus on high entropy and core-shell structural arrangements.
Prior Degree: BTech in Chemical Engineering and Textiles Technology, Institute of Chemical Technology (formerly UDCT), Mumbai, India
Joined Group: Fall 2023
Research Keywords: High Entropy Oxides, Core-Shell, Colloidal Synthesis, Nanoparticles, Nanorods, Monodispersity
Hometown: Mumbai, India
Favorite Electrochemical Characterization Technique: CV, EIS
Undergraduate Students
James Fang
Name: James FangProject: Chiroptical properties and self-assembly of CdS magic size clusters
Prior Degree:
Joined Group: Fall 2024
Research Keywords: Self-Assembly, Circular Dichroism, Chiral Nanocrystals
Hometown: Nanjing, China
Favorite Author: Fyodor Dostoevsky
Kenneth Burnett
Name: Kenneth BurnettProject: Synthesis and performance of high entropy sulfides
Prior Degree: B.S. in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
Joined Group: Fall 2024
Research Keywords: High Entropy Sulfides, Colloidal Synthesis, Nanocrystals, Oxygen Evolution Reaction, Electrochemistry
Hometown: Bartlett, Tennessee
Favorite Element: Gallium
Oliver Nishikawa
Name: Oliver NishikawaProject: Chiroptical properties of nanocluster assemblies
Prior Degree: B.S. in Chemical Engineering
Joined Group: Fall 2024
Research Keywords: Self-Assembly, Circular Dichroism, Thin Films, Magic-Sized Clusters
Hometown: Honolulu, Hawaii
Favorite Equation: PV=nRT
Andrew Zhao
Name: Andrew ZhaoProject: Synthesis and performance of high entropy sulfide nanodiscs
Prior Degree:
Joined Group: Fall 2023
Research Keywords: High Entropy Sulfides, Colloidal Synthesis, Nanocrystals, Nanodiscs
Hometown: Clarksville, MD
Favorite Approximation: Stirling's
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